This news is older than 6 months

Vision Zero International Course in Sweden in September 2018

After last year's successful course in road safety, we now offer a second opportunity to attend Trafikverket's Vision Zero Course. This year, the course will be held in Gothemburg on September 24 to 28th.

During the course, lectures will be mixed with study visits to exemplify the Swedish model of road safety.We organise the course in cooperation with several partners from both industry and research.

Some testimonies after Vision Zero International Course in September 2017:

"This has been the most valuable and useful course I have ever attended. MANY THANKS for arranging it."

"The overall course was amazingly full of great content and insights. The time was too short for each lecture but that is evidence of how excellent the lecturers were."

"I really enjoyed the course and interaction with both presenters and participants."

For more information

Course information and registration (other website)

More information on road safety is compiled on our Vision Zero Academy website.

Vision Zero Academy