This news is older than 6 months

Invitation to supplier dialoge

This spring we are inviting suppliers to dialogue meetings regarding the Mölnlycke–Bollebygd section. Procurement Manager Roland Mårtensson hopes for both Swedish and international suppliers to attend the meetings.

What are you hoping for when inviting to a supplier dialogue?

– I hope to update the supplier's knowledge of our project and that their aspects will help us put together the right contract packaging and business form.

Who will attend the meetings?

– The Project Director Sara Distner, the Project Manager for the Mölnlycke–Bollebygd section  Janne Johansson, the Technical Manager Tomas Johansson, the Plan and Design Manager Maria Hermansson and myself. All five of us aren't going to participate on all meetings but three or four on each.

Why invite suppliers to a dialogue meeting?

– We want to take part of the supplier's knowledge and experience to find the optimal solutions when forming future contracts and at the same time offer the possibility for the suppliers to freely share their aspects of the high-speed railway project as a whole.

Is there an advantage in the procurement for those who attend to the dialogue meeting?

– No, participation doesn't affect the possibility to partake in the coming procurements. On the other hand it can be an advantage to update their knowledge of the project, if nothing else, this alone could be of interest for the company's planning.

Start of construction isn't until 2020, why meet this early?

– Major projects like Gothenburg–Borås has long planning times and the chance to influence future contracts is right now. In two years' time we want to be able to procure the contracts and before that consultants that will develop construction documents and specifications.

Is there anything new for the suppliers to take in account?

– Yes, one thing fairly new is social responsibility in the contracts. It means that we require minimum wages for the employees, social security cover but also put demands on the manufacturing of products used in the contracts.

Are international suppliers different in any way from the Swedish suppliers?

– Yes, in general there are larger companies abroad than in Sweden and therefore they're interested in larger contracts. Some of them are already established here and know how things work, but for those who aren´t established in Sweden there is much to do. We will be able to have English as work language but contracts and legal documents will be in Swedish.

Invitation to our supplier dialogue