Tomas Johansson is Technical Manager of the Gothenburg–Borås Project

This news is older than 6 months

Suppliers’ dialogue on fixed tracks

Meetings will be held by the two projects – the Gothenburg–Borås and the East Link Projects – from 21 to 22 December with suppliers of fixed tracks for high-speed railways.

The Swedish Transport Administration will construct the new high-speed railway with fixed tracks. The difference between traditional railways with macadam and sleepers is briefly that     the rails are attached directly to concrete slabs. Fixed tracks provide a high degree of stability, which guarantees a more robust structure and less maintenance in the future.

As part of the planning work for the new high-speed railway, the Swedish Transport Administration has determined which technical and environmental demands are to be made on the fixed track in the coming procurements. The Transport Administration is also working on how the procurements of fixed tracks are to be packaged.

“We have made a number of study visits abroad and realise that we need more detailed knowledge on the technical and environmental properties of fixed tracks,” says Tomas Johansson, who is Technical Manager of the Gothenburg – Borås Project. It could be questions such as drainage, winter conditions, noise and future maintenance conditions at the operational stage.

Other issues that will be discussed at the meetings are commercial terms and conditions, and forms of contract.

So far, five companies with experience of rail construction with fixed tracks from other countries in Europe have booked to attend the meetings in Gothenburg on 21-22 December. If you have any questions concerning the meetings, please contact Roland Mårtensson, who is the Head of Procurement for the Gothenburg – Borås Project.