This news is older than 6 months

One package with one contract for all larger works

From a strategic perspective we are focusing on a package with one contract for all larger works. This contract will include both the design and the construction of bridge, freight yard, temporary station for passengers, station building, trough, tunnel, railway works (so called BEST in Swedish) and civil works for roads crossing railway.

An ECI (Early Contractor Involvement) form of turnkey contract is proposed. The purpose is to get the contractor involved in the project at an early stage so that the contractor, through his knowledge, can take part and influence the structure of production methods and costs. We propose as payment form current account in accordance with the cost price principle plus fee for overheads and profit for the design, phase 1 and a target-price agreement with incentives for the construction, phase 2.

A prequalification will be done before the tender is sent out. Documentation for this prequalification will be available from June 2016. The prequalified suppliers will approximately have time from October 2016 to February 2017 to design their final bid.