Approved suppliers of track ballast

Here you will find Trafikverket's approved suppliers of track ballast.

Ballast to be used in Trafikverkets railway facility must be CE-marked for track ballast and must meet the physical requirements for rock material according to Trafikverkets requirements in “TRVINFRA-00019 Track ballast”.

A quarry's compliance with the standard is checked by Trafikverket. The quarries listed in the list below "Approved suppliers of railway ballast" have been checked by Trafikverket and deemed to meet the applicable requirements. The quarries are listed according to their approximate geographical location, from north to south. Quality controls of the quarries are carried out roughly every four years or as needed. If the requirements are no longer met, the quarry is removed from the list. Similarly, new suppliers can be added. The below list is therefore continuously revised.

The geometric properties of the ballast (grain size distribution) are checked in connection with delivery.

For any questions, see under the heading ”Contact us”.